Battery Calculator

Power Capacity

1 kilowatt hour equals 1 kilowatt hour of electricity
Charging Time

what is voltage
Voltage is the potential difference across the battery, which is the work done by moving a unit of positive charge from one pole of the battery to the other. The unit of voltage is volt (V). The voltage of the battery is 5v, which means that the battery can provide a potential difference of 5 volts to the connected device
What is battery capacity
Battery capacity indicates the amount of power a battery is capable of releasing under specific conditions. Battery capacity is measured in ampere hours (Ah)
Power calculation
Total power (Wh) = voltage (V) x capacity (Ah). This calculation is suitable for DC systems. In AC systems, power factors also need to be considered.
Simple to understand
Power is like money in a wallet, voltage is the face value, and capacity is the amount of money. Only when both are sufficient can you go further.